Outsourcing Rebate Processing

April 19th 2018

Most people in the lighting industry know that rebates are a very powerful tool to increase sales. What many people don't know is how to effectively handle the rebate process once a job is won. The rebate process takes 5 - 6 months on average and involves countless interactions with rebate program staff, end users, inspectors, etc. It's a cumbersome and daunting process for many companies to undertake on their own.

Benefits of Rebate Processing

Outsourcing rebates to a rebate processing company allows you to utilize rebates as a sales tool without any of the hassle. Similar to how companies may outsource installation of lighting to a subcontractor, you can do the same thing for rebates. That way you can focus on what you do best, selling lighting, rather than rebate paperwork.

The Benefits of Outsourcing Rebates

Free Up Internal Resources
Rebates can require a lot of administrative work. On average, a single project has 12 different steps to complete the rebate process. If you multiply that by the number of projects you’re doing, it can quickly require 3 or 4 employees in your company to keep up. Outsourcing means you don't have to pay your own employees to do cumbersome administrative work.

More accurate and insightful estimates
There are over 3,000 utilities in the US which means there are a lot of potential rebate programs to keep up with. On top of that, these programs are constantly changing. Because rebate processing companies file thousands of applications a year, they have direct relationships with the programs and know the ins and outs. They can provide more accurate rebate estimates much quicker. They also have insights on topics that in-house rebate processing teams might not have, such as when programs typically run out of funding, special requirements of a program, etc.

Maximizing the rebates for your customers
Just like every year, companies use accountants to maximize their tax deductions, lighting vendors use rebate processors to help maximize the rebates for their customers. They can advise you where there are potential bonus programs, which products might get the highest rebates, and rebate program deadlines that might impact the project. On top of that, they may have access to programs and incentives that might not be available to you. Some programs require in depth trainings and certifications to participate, which in-house staff may not have.

Partner with BriteSwitch to Reduce Your Hassle

With 13 years of experience and millions of rebate dollars captured, there is a reason many distributors, contractors, lighting manufacturers and end users have trusted BriteSwitch to handle the rebate process.BriteSwitch’s team are experts in lighting rebates with an average of 16 years experience in the lighting industry. We excel in getting the most money for your customers at no hassle to you.

Rather than a one size fits all approach, we will work with you to figure out how to take the rebate burden off your company; whether it’s access to our RebatePro database of incentives, providing rebate estimates and intelligence to your existing rebate staff, subcontracting the rebate backend process under your brand or handling the entire rebate process.

If you’d like to discuss how we can work together, contact us at 609-945-5349 or info@briteswitch.com.

Other information

EV Charger Rebates: Understanding the Different Types of Programs
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