
Maximizing Rebates for Hotel Renovations

Sheraton Parsippany Hotel

Host Hotels

When planning a remodel of a hotel, there are lots of things going on at once; architectural drawings, picking and ordering furnishings, getting permits, and keeping the guests happy. The last thing they want to deal with is to worry about the rebate process.

Since 2013, Host Hotels & Resorts (a real estate investment trust that owns over 93 upscale hotels) has turned to BriteSwitch to get rebates for all their new lighting, boilers, thermostats, fan coil units, etc. We look at the designs, verify that the new equipment meets all the rebate qualifications, advise of potential timing conflicts, schedule inspections where necessary, and file all rebate paperwork.

We didn't just simplify the process, we maximized their rebates

While the primary reason the chain worked with BriteSwitch was to simplify the process, our expertise also helped them make a few tweaks that maximized the amount of rebates they received otherwise.

Optimized timing

By splitting one renovation over 2 calendar years, we increased the rebate for one hotel by $20,000 - 30% higher than they would have received.

Anticipated program changes

For another property, we knew the rebate program was going to change in the next year. Therefore, we filed the rebate pre-approval much earlier than originally planned to secure the funding, resulting in an $63,000 rebate they would have otherwise missed out on.

Pushed to make it happen

One hotel had an urgent remodel that had to be done immediately due to maintenance issues. The project was a top priority and rebates weren't the main concern. We took care of the whole rebate process, rushing to file and get approvals. We managed to get the rebate approval just before the project started, securing a rebate of $95,000.

Other information

78% of the US Currently Has Commercial Lighting Rebates
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8’ DLC Tube Category Brings New Rebate Options
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